Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Scenes from an Exhibition

The Lit&Phil, Newcastle upon Tyne, 21 May - 11 June 2014

It takes longer than you think to put on an exhibition!

First, there's the planning.....

How to tie your brain in knots trying to visualise the space and how the work will fit into it!

Then there's the framing....
The exhibition is in the main reading room of the beautiful Lit&Phil library, so boards are needed to hang the work.

 Re-painting some.....
..... and checking out the hanging system for the others.
Then the time has come to get some order into the chaos, trying out the hanging order to get an idea of how the images will work with each other - bit of a squeeze in the available space in the studio!
Positions decided, so just got to wrap everything up ready to load into the van - and type up lists of work, labels, prepare prints for the browsers, sort out material for the display cases and make information panels. Then unload, carry everything up the lovely stone staircase into the library, install it and label everything. Easy really!!
So why not come along and join Thomas Bewick any time during The Lit&Phil opening hours and see how it all worked out! He seems to be enjoying it - hasn't moved for a week!!

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